Monday, July 30, 2012

Order Number Forty-nine!! Thanks Andrea!!

Wedding Showers are big this time of year!  SO FUN!!! =)

Order Number Forty-eight!! Thanks Kari!

For a Baby doesnt have to be all baby decorations.  Matching the buckets or napkins is a great choice too!

Order Number Forty-seven!! Thanks Kelly!!

These are a big hit at Wedding Showers too!  Gorgeous color selection!!

Order Number Forty-six!! Thanks Bev!!

Perfect idea for wedding favors...

Order Number Forty-five!! Thanks Donette!!

Okay, 9 hour car ride with kids...I think you should plan something special to keep them busy until you get there.  CAKE POPS!!!

Order Number Forty-Four!! Thanks Marlena!

FINALLY....An OHIO STATE FAN!!  For Marlena's other sons birthday she decided on Ohio State Cake Pops.  GREAT CHOICE!

Order Number Forty-three! Thanks Julie!!

Julie's daughter and her friend graduated from college.  Julie wanted to bring a special treat to the party.  Perfect choice!

Order Number Forty-two!! Thanks Meredith!

Baby Shower for her sister-in-law.  The baby is DA-BOMB!

Order Number Forty-one!! Thanks Becky and Sarah!

Sarah's daughter, Ali's, birthday was care bears. I think most, if not many of us remember these adorable fun bears.

Order Number Forty!! Thanks Patty!!

Surprise for her Daughters Birthday.  What a wonderful mom!!

Order Number Thirty-nine! Work Function!

Gotta love the baseballs!

Order Number Thirty-eight! Thanks Kate!

Is there a better way to surprise your hubby for Easter than with a basket full of adorable, delicious cake pops!?  I think not!

Order Number Thirty-seven! Thanks Joanie!

This order was done for a school.  During the week of the Final-Four the seniors received goody bags.  And, inside the goody bags were these delicious treats!

Order Number Thirty-six - Thanks Meredith!!

For Meredith's husbands birthday she wanted something simple and yummy!  What better way to celebrate than with a MINI CAKE!!

Friday, June 8, 2012

Order Number Thirty-five! Thanks Tessa!!

Any Star Wars fans out there?  This one is cute.

Order number Thirty-four! Thanks Meredith!

Meredith surprised her husband with a mini cake, as well. LOVE the colors she picked!


Order Number Thirty-three! Thanks Scott!

I brought some cake pops into work one time and Scott grabbed one for his wife.  He left it on the kitchen table for her to enjoy when she got home, however, the dog got to it first!!  So, she never got to eat it.  He decided to order her a mini cake as a sweet surprise for Valentine's day.  What a wonderful husband! =)

Order Number Thirty-two! Thanks Tara!

Created something new...called Mini cakes.  They are basically the same as a cake pop, but its shaped into a mini cake.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

My kids had Valentine's Parties at school...

Madison's Valentine's Day Party

Billy's Valentine's Day Party

Thirty-First Order!! Thank you, Melissa!! =)

Melissa's son was having a Valentine's Day party at school.  She ordered some cake pops for him to share with his class.  They are a great addition to any party!

Thirtieth Order!!!! Thank You, JULIE!! =)

Julie ordered 15 soccer balls and 15 hearts for her husbands birthday and to celebrate a soccer championship.

Twenty-Ninth Order! Thanks Marlena!! =)

Marlena ordered some tooth cake pops for her dentist office.  Such a thoughtful gift for a wonderful bunch of people!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Twenty-Eighth Order!! Thanks Julie!! =)

Julie's daughter is having a baby!!  So, she needed some cake pops for the baby shower.