Sunday, February 26, 2012

My kids had Valentine's Parties at school...

Madison's Valentine's Day Party

Billy's Valentine's Day Party

Thirty-First Order!! Thank you, Melissa!! =)

Melissa's son was having a Valentine's Day party at school.  She ordered some cake pops for him to share with his class.  They are a great addition to any party!

Thirtieth Order!!!! Thank You, JULIE!! =)

Julie ordered 15 soccer balls and 15 hearts for her husbands birthday and to celebrate a soccer championship.

Twenty-Ninth Order! Thanks Marlena!! =)

Marlena ordered some tooth cake pops for her dentist office.  Such a thoughtful gift for a wonderful bunch of people!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Twenty-Eighth Order!! Thanks Julie!! =)

Julie's daughter is having a baby!!  So, she needed some cake pops for the baby shower.

Twenty-Seventh Order! Thank you, Marlena!! =)

So, not a Michigan Fan?  Well, I can only say if my husband would have been home on the weekend I made these he probably would have had me sleeping on the couch ;)  My neighbors, sons' birthday was in January and she requested these wonderful cake pops as a surprise for him.

Twenty-Sixth Order!! Thanks Whitney!! =)

Whitney ordered 15 cake pops for her babysitter for Christmas.  I thought these turned out pretty.

Twenty-Fifth Order!! Thanks Sue! :)

Sue ordered 30 for her Holiday party.  She had a mixture of 15 with drizzle, sprinkles on top and 15 with drizzles, sprinkles underneath.

Twenty-Fourth Order - Thanks Marlena! =)

This was the largest order I have had so far! 150 cake pops for her family holiday parties.  Sounds like a lot but, I believe she only ended up with 8 left.