Friday, June 8, 2012

Order Number Thirty-five! Thanks Tessa!!

Any Star Wars fans out there?  This one is cute.

Order number Thirty-four! Thanks Meredith!

Meredith surprised her husband with a mini cake, as well. LOVE the colors she picked!


Order Number Thirty-three! Thanks Scott!

I brought some cake pops into work one time and Scott grabbed one for his wife.  He left it on the kitchen table for her to enjoy when she got home, however, the dog got to it first!!  So, she never got to eat it.  He decided to order her a mini cake as a sweet surprise for Valentine's day.  What a wonderful husband! =)

Order Number Thirty-two! Thanks Tara!

Created something new...called Mini cakes.  They are basically the same as a cake pop, but its shaped into a mini cake.