Monday, May 27, 2013

Order Number Seventy-Eight!! Thank you Lissa!

Lissa ordered graduation cake pops for her daughters graduation.  Turned out not too bad...

Order Number Seventy-Seven!! Thank you Scott!

Scott ordered cake pops for his wife for mothers day.  I thought I had a photo of this one, but cant find it!

Order Number Seventy-Six!! Thank you Wanda!

Cake pops Just Because!  Those are the BEST kind!

Order Number Seventy-Five!! Thank you Julie!

Julie ordered cake pops for her grandsons 1st birthday.

Order Number Seventy-Four!! Thanks Wanda!

Wanda ordered pink and orange colored with sprinkles and drizzle, but, again, forgot to take a photo!

Order Number Seventy-Three!! Thank you Jannelle!

Pirates for her son, Dylans, birthday!  What a fun time he had!  Again, I forgot to take pictures!  Jannelle sent me some, nice decorating!

Order Number Seventy-Two!! Thank you Meredith's Sister-in-Law - Elizabeth!

For Meredith's Baby Shower, her sister-in-law ordered blue cake pops with red drizzle.  This is the only picture I had, because I forgot to take pictures before I gave her the order!